- 不久,迦太基的声望就让腓尼基相形见绌。
- Its renown would soon come to outshine that of its parent .
- 他取费高昂;课程轻松他的高昂轻松给他带来了声望。
- His fees are high ; his lessons are light -- his high-lights have brought him renown .
- 但是最该谢天谢地的,是没有人会为你的名声或者财富赎罪一生。
- But above all be grateful that no one will have to live down either your renown or your wealth .
- 这场地震也摧毁了西方世界的威望。
- It has also destroyed western prestige .
- 有时,拥有金钱和声望都还不足够。
- Sometimes neither money nor prestige is enough .
- 他依然有人气,只是威望在不断地下降。
- He remained popular but his prestige was ebbing .