- 此举有着英雄气概,但或许徒劳无功。
- This is heroic but probably futile .
- 在以色列,基甸利维是最受仇视的人他或许也是最英勇的。
- Gideon levy is the most hated man in israel and perhaps the most heroic .
- 奖金的回归中蕴含的乐观情绪颇具英雄气概。
- The optimism implied in the return of bonuses is heroic .
- 这无疑是个勇敢的姿态。
- It was doubtless a brave gesture .
- 那些警备队的小伙子们是很勇敢的。
- Those coast guard guys are brave .
- 警察不得不在数月里保持勇敢。
- The policeman had to be brave over months .