- 有些人说医生们对可能被称为喧闹的或精力过剩的年轻人过于轻易就开出了化学药物。
- Some say doctors are too quick to offer chemical solutions for youngsters who might once have been called boisterous or high-spirited .
- 浪漫的晚餐美国总统威廉麦金利的夫人爱达曾经是一位精力充沛的社会名媛,但是两个年幼的女儿的夭折,以及癫痫发作让她变得身体虚弱,沉默寡言。
- President william mckinley 's wife , ida , was once a high-spirited socialite , but the deaths of her two young daughters and epileptic seizures left her frail and withdrawn .
- 比赛在友好热烈的气氛中进行,双方都兴致勃勃。
- The game was played in a friendly , high-spirited way , with frolicsome behaviour on both sides .