- 这期间对我震撼最大的事件就是白鳍豚的灭绝,这是一种长江流域特有的豚,已经存世两亿年,最终却因水路交通、污染、无休止捕鱼和大规模筑坝等原因最终在2006年被宣布已经绝迹。
- For me , the most profound story of this period was the demise of the baiji a yangtze river dolphin that had been on earth for 20m years but was declared extinct in 2006 as a result of river traffic , pollution , reckless fishing and massive damming .
- 官方抱怨说贩毒团伙同时造成了重大环境破坏他们砍伐树木,拦断小溪喷洒农药。
- Officials complain that the drug gangs are also causing substantial environmental damage , cutting down trees , damming creeks and spraying pesticides .
- 在6月7号的上海日报上,一份英文刊上,将三峡叫做“怪兽般的水利工程”。
- On june 7th shanghai daily , an english-language paper , called the three gorges " that monstrous damming project " .