- 冷却塔的外部画上了雪山壁画,同时在里面,过山车让公园的旅客们因兴奋而尖叫。
- The outside of the cooling tower was painted with a cheery mountain mural while inside , a swing ride keeps park visitors happily screaming .
- 在有的案例中,摄影乃至壁画也能带来相同的效应,而无论这些图像看上去是否真的像实际的户外景观。
- In some cases the same effect can happen with a photographic or even painted mural , whether or not it looks like an actual view of the outdoors .
- 这幅壁画主题的灵感来自1937年4月26日。
- The inspiration for the subject of the mural occurred on april 26 , 1937 .
- 一个道具制作者在网上晒了自己制作的一个面具,看起来就像西班牙教堂一位年迈的教区居民修补的因过于拙劣而出名的壁画“野兽基督”。
- One costume creator featured online made a mask to look like " the beast jesus , " the famously botched fresco retouching done by an aging parishioner at a spanish church .
- 那时候的壁画还是在室内创作,所使用的绘画方法也基本上同米开朗基罗当年所用的一样。
- Murals at this time were still painted indoors , with essentially the same fresco techniques that michelangelo had used .
- 如果之前我们会去思考一个建筑师、壁画师或者设计师如何致力于将建筑和图像、建筑和文本或者不同的象征性符号连接在一起,那么现在我们可以说他们都是在增强空间这个领域内工作。
- If before we would think of an architect , a fresco painter , or a display designer working to combine architecture and images , or architecture and text , or to incorporate different symbolic systems in one spatial construction , we can now say that all of them were working on the problem of augmented space .
- 石阵发现于一座修道院附近,deirmarmusa修道院一直沿用至19世纪,是宏伟的基督教壁画的故乡。
- The formations were found near a monastery , deir mar musa , which was occupied until the 19th century , and is home to spectacular christian frescoes
- 举世闻名保存完好的庞培遗址揭示了一个妓院风行的城市,路标上贴着色情的壁画,用露骨的措辞引诱着过客,如“hichabitatfelicitas”(极乐驻此地),“sumtuaaere”(有钱,我就是你的)等。
- The famously well-preserved remains at pompeii revealed a city rife with brothels signposted with erotic frescoes tempting passers-by with phrases such as ' hic habitat felicitas ' ( here happiness resides ) or ' sum tua aere ' ( I am yours for money ) .
- 看,壁画都应该要在潮湿的石膏上画,否则它们会剥离。
- See , frescoes are supposed to be painted on wet plaster or they start to peel .