- 兰开斯特没有向西走出巴芬湾、通向太平洋的水道,它终结于陆地一片广袤的冰场和高峰组成的陆地。
- Instead of opening westward onto a waterway out of baffin bay and onward to the pacific , it ended in land-a vast expanse of ice and high peaks .
- 他宁愿同父亲在苏格兰的巴尔莫勒尔堡一起度假,在那里闪光灯被拒于皇家领地之外。
- He preferred holidays with his father at balmoral in scotland , where the flashbulbs could be kept at bay by acres of royal land .
- 鸠山由纪夫表示,报道“未必属实”,而且他不能接受现有的搬迁协议,并补充道,在边野古地区移山填海将是对“自然的亵渎”。
- Mr hatoyama said the report was " not necessarily true " and that he could not accept the existing relocation deal , adding that reclaiming land from henoko bay would be a " desecration of nature " .
- 啊你在哪找到那个的?
- Aw , where did you get that ?
- 啊,我差点问了和老爸一样的话。
- Aw , I just made the same joke as my dad .
- 哦.好象我很在乎你的看法一样.
- Aw . Like I care what you think .