- 比如,黑色的墨水包含有不同的颜色。
- For example , black ink contains several colours .
- 但是把颜色加进电子墨水中就困难了。
- But adding color to electronic ink is difficult .
- 红墨水也圈住了很多其他的银行。
- Red ink laps around a host of other banks too .
- 但是去年底,他再度被判有罪,这次的罪名是巨额贪污。
- But late last year he was convicted again , this time of large-scale embezzlement .
- 冯本人逃走,但于1998年被捕并以贪污罪判处七年有期徒刑。
- Mr feng himself fled , but was caught in 1998 and jailed for seven years , accused of embezzlement .
- 与此同时,几内亚矿业部也处于动荡之中,换了好几位部长,其中两位在受到贪污指控后被迫把赃款退还给了政府。
- Meanwhile , the mining ministry was in turmoil , going through a series of ministers , two of whom were forced to make restitution to the government after facing embezzlement accusations .