- 如果有什么区别的话,日本量化宽松的记录应当提高通货紧缩的担忧。
- If anything , the record of quantitative easing in japan should heighten worries of deflation .
- 通过暴力,或威胁使用暴力手段只会加强人们支持独立的情绪。
- Order imposed through violence , or the threat of violence , will only heighten pro-independence sentiment .
- 昨日股票销售所达到的价格水平,将加强人们对美银售股条款的关注。
- The prices fetched by yesterday 's stock sales will heighten scrutiny of the terms of bofa 's sell-down .
- 这种流行的软饮料会增强你参加极限运动的欲望。
- The popular soft drink beverage increases your desire to participate in extreme sports .
- 用过的人说它能增强反应能力和注意力,减少疲劳。
- Users say that it increases alertness and focus , and reduces fatigue .
- 它能增强人体新陈代谢,提升呼吸率,并升高血压。
- It enhances human metabolism increases respiration rate and raises blood pressure .