- 但如何增强它的合法性?
- But how to enhance its legitimacy ?
- 键盘快捷键可以明显地提高你的使用效率。
- Keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your productivity .
- 提高你的性生活质量给他想要的。
- Enhance your sex life and give him what he wants .
- 微笑能增强你的免疫系统。
- Laugh to strengthen your immune system .
- 所有这些举措将强化市场基础。
- All this will strengthen market infrastructure .
- 每天冥想会增强你的意志力。
- Meditating daily will strengthen your willpower muscle .
- 把这个盈余变为赤字即可推动经济增长。
- Swinging that into reverse would boost growth .
- 国际游客通常会推动文化产业。
- International tourists normally boost the cultural industries .
- 这还将推动该地区非能源领域的就业。
- It would also boost employment in non-energy areas .
- 如果有什么区别的话,日本量化宽松的记录应当提高通货紧缩的担忧。
- If anything , the record of quantitative easing in japan should heighten worries of deflation .
- 通过暴力,或威胁使用暴力手段只会加强人们支持独立的情绪。
- Order imposed through violence , or the threat of violence , will only heighten pro-independence sentiment .
- 昨日股票销售所达到的价格水平,将加强人们对美银售股条款的关注。
- The prices fetched by yesterday 's stock sales will heighten scrutiny of the terms of bofa 's sell-down .