- 在国会中支持保守派;支持反对这项提案。
- Sided with the conservatives in congress ; siding against the bill .
- 实际上我清楚地意识到他支持参谋长主席.
- In fact I clearly sensed that he was siding with the chairman of the joint chiefs .
- 现在仍旧和自由战士们对抗的分子,并不是支持卡扎菲的部队。他们是属于个人的武力。
- And those who are still fighting against the freedom fighters , it is only on a personal basis , it is not forces who are siding with gadhafi .
- 我已经把底部一半的石膏板拆掉了,我现在应不应该把墙内框架结构也换掉?
- I 've already removed the bottom half of the drywall . Should I replace the bottom half of the wall framing , too ?
- 而且如果你决定把架子拿走墙壁上会留下螺丝孔;这对于石膏墙壁不是大问题,但是如果墙上贴了瓷砖就会很难看而且不能修补。
- And if you ever decide to remove the rack , you 'll be left with screw holes in the backsplash ; not a big problem with drywall , but ugly and unfixable in tile .
- 过去几年中,数千房屋所有人向联邦及州机构控诉石膏板发出刺激臭气、腐蚀金属并破坏家电设备。
- In the past few years , thousands of homeowners have filed complaints with state and federal agencies saying the drywall emits irritating fumes , corrodes metals and breaks down electrical appliances .