- 格林纳达作为联邦领土,女王伊丽莎白二世被认为是格林那达的女王。
- Being a commonwealth realm , queen elizabeth ii is recognised as queen of grenada .
- 很多山寨公司开始超越拷贝的局限,而进入了自主研发的王国。
- Many shanzhai companies have begun to move beyond mere copying and into the realm of creativity .
- 公共领域正在着魔,有人死亡了。
- The public realm goes potty and people die .
- 为自己的婚姻状况感到担忧?
- Worried about the state of your marriage ?
- 不同的状态则需要一个新对象。
- Different state requires a new object .
- 佛吉尼亚是个摇摆州。
- Virginia is a swing state .
- 那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了。
- Eg. the ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary .
- 我认为迈克尔已经超越了年龄、性别和种族的每一条界限。
- I think michael has transcended every boundary of gender and race and age and sport .
- 贝尔斯登的出售也显示出流动性困难和破产之间的界限消失的多么快。
- Bear 's demise also shows how the boundary between illiquidity and insolvency is fast dissolving .