- 叛军打过边界了吗?
- Have the rebels crossed the border ?
- 军队目前都在边界严阵以待。
- Troops are massing on the border .
- 这个边界提供了更多的视觉隔离感。
- The border provides more visual separation .
- 那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了。
- Eg. the ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary .
- 我认为迈克尔已经超越了年龄、性别和种族的每一条界限。
- I think michael has transcended every boundary of gender and race and age and sport .
- 贝尔斯登的出售也显示出流动性困难和破产之间的界限消失的多么快。
- Bear 's demise also shows how the boundary between illiquidity and insolvency is fast dissolving .
- 现在我们在一个未标明位置的领域内。
- Now we are in uncharted territory .
- 量化宽松政策还是新的领域。
- Quantitative easing is new territory .
- 就像是不小心走进了鳄鱼的领地。
- Like straying into crocodile territory .