- 但是他的时代最终走向瓦解。
- Yet his era led to collapse .
- 金融崩溃则需要更多的救助。
- Financial collapse threatens further bailouts .
- 俄罗斯在历经communism瓦解之后的特殊境况可谓独一无二。
- Russia 's particular circumstances after communism 's collapse make it unique .
- 随着外界对银行的主权债务风险敞口的担忧消退,该计划还将缓和银行面临的压力。
- It would also ease pressure on banks as concerns about their sovereign credit exposure would subside .
- 欧盟将努力使其拥有足够长的时间来进行修复直到风暴平息。
- The eu will try to make its fixes hold long enough for the storms to subside .
- 中央银行的干预以及西班牙政府实行新改革的承诺让恐慌看似平息下来。
- Panic seemed to subside with central-bank intervention and the promise of a new reforming government in madrid .
- 水面上的书籍已经开始下沉。
- Thebooks had begun to sink .
- 苏在水槽那儿见到他。
- Sue met him at the sink .
- 但是过了这次提升机会,破船依然会下沉。
- But over the long haul , the leaky ships will still sink .
- 马来西亚经济同样面临软性大宗商品价格下降的影响。
- Its economy is also facing a fall in soft commodity prices .
- 英国的银行向非金融业企业的贷款在事业持续的下降。
- Britain 's bank lending to non-financial firms continued to fall in october .
- 最近汽车使用方面的下降无疑由于经济衰退而加剧了。
- The current fall in car use has doubtless been exacerbated by recession .
- 大峡谷还向人类展示出,地层的上升与下沉是交替进行的,因为在海相化石层之间夹杂有植物化石层。
- The grand canyon also demonstrates that uplift and subsidence alternated , since it contains plant fossil layers sandwiched between marine fossil layers .
- 湖北省铁路建设办主任王祖建对官方通讯社新华社称,事故发生后进行的调查发现,有逾7公里的轨道路基存在沉降现象。
- Wang zujian , a director of the provincial railway construction bureau , told the official xinhua news agency that investigations after the accident found evidence of subsidence along more than 7km of the line .
- 三角洲地区则会更加不幸,因为任何的沉降都会造成沉淀物补给的减少,而这些河流沉淀物常受困于灌溉,水电生产和洪水预防工程而无法抵达上游地区。
- Deltas are doubly damned , since any subsidence is often coupled with a lessened supply of replenishing sediment , which is often trapped upstream by irrigation , hydropower production and flood-control projects .