- 如果你还想要去调查海狸水坝,注意你的脚下!
- If you are going to investigate the beaver dam , watch your step !
- 这将帮助我们更像河流那样思考,而非水坝。
- To help us think more like a river , less like a dam .
- 这导致了更高的大坝审查。
- This led to greater scrutiny of the dam .
- 将会有泄露的堤防。
- There will be leaks in the dyke .
- 戴克一时摸不清头脑了。
- For a moment dyke was confused .
- 毕竟,你可以不看新闻而去收看迪克?凡戴克的节目。
- After all , you can switch off the tv news and put on dick van dyke .
- 上周,美国陆军工兵部队在密苏里州的土结构防洪堤炸开一个3公里宽的口子。
- Last week , the army corps of engineers exploded a three-kilometer-wide hole along an earthen levee in missouri .
- 后来,这辆车在密西西比河岸堤被找到,但连同车内的尸体都已经被烧焦。
- Later the car was found burned beside the mississippi river levee , with a charred corpse inside .
- 城市防洪堤系统的破坏让水淹没了整个城市的80%。
- Breaks in the city 's levee system flooded 80 percent of the city with water .
- 火车带走了我我们掠过一排又一排陋巷中矮小、灰暗的房子,直驶向堤岸。
- The train bore me away ...... we passed row after row of little grey slum houses running at right angles to the embankment .
- 村民们反映迅速:他们在筑堤上建起了临时安置点两张竖直的弹簧床作为墙,架在它们顶上的第三张作为屋顶。
- The villagers acted quickly : they set up temporary homes along the embankment , with two upright string beds for walls and a third thrown atop them like a roof .
- 巴士开了四个半小时,我感到一路上的景色很乏味,除了有一次在途中停车20分钟,等一辆吊车把一辆掉落到堤岸下方20米处的卡车吊上来。
- The bus trip took about 4 and a half hours and I found the scenery quite boring except when we had to wait 20 minutes for a crane to pull up a truck that had gone off the road and down the embankment about 20 metres .