- 靠外面的那条护城河乍一看就是条小溪,鸭子在里面畅游,附近平缓的山坡上有绵羊在吃草。
- Ducks glided down the outer moat , which appeared upon first glance to be a stream , and sheep grazed on shallow slopes nearby .
- 当然,在媒体业,没有人会否认围在深深的护城河里面过日子的吸引力,即使那河里满是鲨鱼在游来游去。
- Certainly no one in the media would deny the attraction of living behind a deep moat , even if it is filled with sharks .
- blockbuster把它成千上万的商店当作是护城河,而实际上它们已经成了商业上的马奇诺防线。
- Blockbuster treated its thousands of stores as if they were a protective moat , when in fact they were the business equivalent of the maginot line .
- 这就是生活在死神的阴影下,我们忙于手头的事情,暂时不让自己坠入万丈深渊。
- This is how life is - we go about our business at death 's elbow , suspended above an infinite chasm .
- 由于没有迹象表明能有新的预算来弥补这一鸿沟,一家信贷机构已经降低了加州的债务信誉等级。
- With no sign of a new budget to close this chasm , one credit agency has already downgraded california 's debt .
- 在陪审团讨论期间,他们曾濒临失败的深渊,但最终巩固了权力和权威。
- They peered into the chasm of defeat during the jury 's discussions and have emerged with their powers and authority reinforced .
- 通过提早作出17%的减排目标承诺,奥巴马避免了另一个陷阱:多于美国众议院似乎准备实践的承诺。
- By committing early to a target of 17 % , mr obama has avoided another pitfall : promising more than congress looks ready to deliver .
- 美国邮政表明了模仿私人企业的形式会带来的陷阱和谬误。
- The us postal service illustrates that pitfall as well as the fallacy that mimicking the form of private enterprise can achieve the substance .
- 在这里要避免一个陷阱的出现:通过把政府垄断变成私人垄断可以加快这一政策的进行,这可能是个进步但它并不会带来让人满意的结果。
- A pitfall to be avoided here comes in sweetening the deal by converting a government monopoly into a private monopoly - which may be an improvement but falls far short of the desirable outcome .
- 那将会是一个严重的挫折。
- That would be a severe setback .
- 但克里姆林宫的领导人们似乎正准备迎接挫折。
- But kremlin leaders appeared to be positioning themselves for a setback .
- 但是,他所执行的外交政策上的退步才是争论的焦点。
- But the controversy is still a setback for his foreign policy .
- 这是1983年欧洲原子核研究组织发现的w和z玻色子情况。
- This was the case with the w and z bosons , particles discovered at cern in 1983 .
- 这些都是位于新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基的桑迪亚国家实验室中z机器的能力。
- Such are the extremes within the z machine at sandia national laboratories in albuquerque , new mexico .
- 因为w玻色子和z玻色子是共同来调整弱核力,所以总共有四种玻色子。
- There are four bosons because the w boson and z boson work together to mediate the weak nuclear force .