- 这一突破是在宾夕法尼亚大学的研究人员试图突破这一厚度时发现的,然后将这些薄膜叠加到一起,最终达到理想的厚度。
- The breakthrough came when the pennsylvania team tried making a film thinner than this threshold , then stacking the films together to make a composite of the desired thickness .
- 他们正忙着把盘子叠起来。
- They are busy stacking up plates .
- 自动堆栈并收集纸板。
- Automatic collecting and stacking sheets .
- 随着债券收益率日渐萎靡,眼下投资者纷纷涌向高派息股票。
- With the income from bonds withering away , investors are piling into dividend-paying stocks .
- 投资者如果是在不断买进以本币计价的新兴市场债券,那么这就是一个重要的问题。
- This is an important question for investors who have been piling in to emerging-market bonds priced in local currencies .
- 幸运的是,缠绕拉霍伊的巴斯克地区的问题将要解决了,但是坏消息在各地都积累起来。
- With luck , mr rajoy 's basque problem may go away , but bad news elsewhere is piling up .
- 那么里克为他的父亲做了些什么?
- And what has rick done for his father ?
- 金姆帮助里克挖墓穴。
- Kim helps rick dig the grave .
- 盖恩斯命令里克驾车把他送去现场。
- Gaines orders rick to drive him there .