- 这片区域经济繁荣。
- The region is economically prosperous .
- 每个区都有自己的税法。
- Every region has its own tax laws .
- 想知道区域x是否控制着功能y?
- Does region x control function y ?
- 为了午餐而进行一场野外旅行。
- Take a field trip for lunch .
- 该领域必须进行根本性变革。
- The field must be revamped fundamentally .
- 神经科学是一个派别林立的领域。
- Neuroscience is a splintered field .
- 二者在各自领域都取得了难以置信的成功,但他们之间却又相互矛盾。
- Both are incredibly successful in their own domains , but they are inconsistent with one another .
- 在空间、时间和因果关系之上,语言的模式被认为塑造了更多其它的思想领域。
- Beyond space time and causality patterns in language have been shown to shape many other domains of thought .
- 尽管当下兴谈让员工有自己的权利,而老板们仍旧是他们管辖领域的绝对领导人。
- For all the fashionable talk about empowering employees , bosses are ultimately the masters of their own domains .