- 这样,城乡人民都会感到高兴。
- This will gladden the people in both town and country .
- 户籍制度把农业户口和非农业户口严格区分开来,形成了城乡分割的二元结构;
- Registered permanent residence system differentiates the agricultural and the non-agricultural registered permanent residence strictly , resulting in the forming of intersected structure of town and country .
- 驿卒就由这城跑到那城、传遍了以法莲、玛拿西、直到西布伦。那里的人却戏笑他们、讥诮他们。
- So the runners went from town to town through all the country of ephraim and manasseh as far as zebulun : but they were laughed at and made sport of .