- 坦克虎视眈眈的聚集在城市的各个角落。
- Tanks have been massing menacingly around the city .
- 但一座城市的辉煌不一定会持久。
- Yet a city 's pre-eminence does not necessarily last .
- 大城市让你感到压抑?
- Big city got you down ?
- 小镇本身扮演着一个角色。
- The town itself is a character .
- 这个小镇周围有4个矿山。
- 4 Mines surround the town .
- 你家所在的小镇是什么样的地方?
- What kind of place is your town ?
- 尽管这像是把你的脸贴着墙壁。
- Even though it 's like putting your face against a wall .
- 厨房墙壁上用铅笔画下的身高标记已经成为历史。
- Forget growth marks scratched in pencil on the kitchen wall .
- 这意味着微生物拥有更多可以利用的细胞壁来吸收自身所需的食物。
- This means there 's more cell wall through which the microbe can absorb its food .
- 城市的失业率上升到警戒水平。
- Urban unemployment would rise perilously .
- 当前的户口制度对从农村迁徙到城市的工人存在歧视。
- The current hukou system discriminates against workers moving from rural to urban areas .
- 由于从农村移到城市的移民潮使得这次人口普查变得异常复杂。
- The census is complicated by surging numbers of migrants from rural to urban areas .