- 与便携式计算机随着拥有者去所有地方不同,必须被携带者从一个地方到另一个地方的垫子是一种失败。
- Whereas portable computers go everywhere with their owners , the pad that must be carried from place to place is a failure .
- 规模上而言,下一步是垫子,一种位于一张纸和当前膝上型和掌上型计算机之间的东西。
- The next step up in size is the pad , something of a cross between a sheet of paper and current laptop and palmtop computers .
- 当设备放在垫块上,两个仪器就会通过内置感应器识别对方。
- When the device is placed on the pad , the two recognise each other through built-in sensors .
- 某个角落可能有一个咖啡色的垫子。
- There may have been a brown cushion somewhere .
- 零散供给的缓冲作用挺弱的。
- The cushion of spare supply is thin .
- 但这也不意味着你需要每次都坐在地板的垫子上。
- Which doesn 't always have to mean sitting on a cushion on the floor .
- 藓类植物往往会形成由成百上千个微小个体聚集而成的厚厚的垫状群落。
- Moss colonies often consists of hundreds of tiny plants growing tightly together to form a dense mat .
- 宠物们则呆在主人的身边,有自己的垫子和水碗。
- Their dog has its own mat and water bowl beside their owner .
- 这个真正的高科技甜心是一个垫子,由一个电子纸屏做成。
- The real tech candy here is the mat which is made of an electronic paper screen .
- 装有电热垫的外套或者家里的恒温控制器就可以根据我们的体温进行调节。
- A jacket fitted with heating pads or the thermostats in our homes could adjust based upon our body temperature .
- 原型标签、垫子和板子仅仅是无所不在的计算的开始。
- Prototype tabs , pads and boards are just the beginning of ubiquitous computing .
- 在桌子上摊开许多的电子式垫子,就好像摊开纸一样。
- Spread many electronic pads around on the desk , just as you spread out papers .
- 这张床的床垫和弹簧救了这个年轻人一命。
- The springs and mattress of the bed saved the young man 's life .
- 他之前的房子里只有一张床垫,一张桌子和几把椅子。
- His previous house had only a mattress a table and chairs .
- 他感到床垫往下一沉,然后她的嘴唇堵住了他的。
- He felt the sag of the mattress and then her lips on his .