- 土壤覆盖着黑色的沥青,以负荷更多的车辆。
- Soil is covered with black asphalt and loaded with automobiles .
- 本研究以黑土作为供试土壤,采用盆栽的方法,对生物型水稻专用肥应用效果进行初步研究。
- Pot experiments were conducted to preliminary study the effects of biotype rice specific fertilizers in black soil .
- 河盲症,是由黑蝇产卵传播,而卵生长时破坏眼部组织的疾病;蚊子以同样的方法传播蠕虫,这些蠕虫会堵塞淋巴系统从而导致产生象皮病;十二指肠虫,蛔虫以及鞭虫都来通过土壤传染。
- With river blindness , black flies spread larvae that when grown destroy eye tissue ; mosquitoes do the same for the worms that block the lymphatic system in elephantiasis ; hookworm , roundworm and whipworm are soil-born .