- 米黄色的墙壁上,黑色的水迹蜿蜒而下,形如日本水墨画中的柳枝。
- Dark water stains trail down warm beige walls like representations of weeping willow branches in japanese ink paintings .
- 渐渐地,想要去找那么一个人,那么一个轮回中,注定之人,或许,已在眼前,或许,穷尽一生,也消逝天涯;时常憧憬一个未来:残阳中,垂柳下,两个孤单的身影,大手牵着小手!
- Gradually , want to find a person , then a samsara , doomed man , perhaps , already here , perhaps , all of my life , also lost horizon ; often a vision of a future : the sun , the weeping willow , two lonely figure , hands holding hands !
- 米黄色的墙壁上,黑色的水迹蜿蜒而下,形如日本水墨画中的柳枝。
- Dark water stains trail down warm beige walls like representations of weeping willow branches in japanese ink paintings .