- 我害怕它枯萎和落入尘土。
- I fear lest it droop and drop into the dust .
- 当它们进入另一个睡眠循环的时候,反而开始耷拉脑袋。
- But when they entered another sleep cycle , their heads started to droop .
- 地上有只烧焦的鞋子,从天花板垂下来的风扇就像一朵朵枯萎的花。
- A burned shoe lies on the floor while fans droop from the ceilings like dead flowers .
- 2009年已经快过去一半了,我们决定调查一下读写网读者们在是使用哪些基于地理位置的应用。
- As we 're nearing the halfway mark of 2009 , we decided to find out what location-based applications the readwriteweb community is using .
- 当输电网接近过载时新闻广播会发出警告并敦促人们关掉他们的一些电子设备。
- News broadcasts gave warning when the grid was nearing overload and urged people to turn off their gizmos .
- 相反,即将退休的投资者,应该为自己的积蓄寻求更安全的投资。
- Instead , investors nearing retirement should seek more secure investments for their savings .
- 整个行业都在苦于应对每年近40%的员工周转率,与此同时,工资涨幅也越来越大。
- With the industry as a whole struggling with annual employee turnover rates approaching 40 per cent , wage inflation is rising .
- 但时之以日,在他履行王室职责的同时,人们开始注意到王子已年近四十却仍然形只影单。
- But as time passed , as he span between the royal duties , people began to remark that the prince was approaching 40 and still unmarried .
- 英国《金融时报》进行的一项调查显示,一个四口之家需要近50万英镑的税前年收入,才会在伦敦感到富裕。
- A family of four needs a pre-tax income of approaching half a million pounds a year to feel rich in london , according to a financial times survey .
- 另一个例子是,去年沃尔沃一发觉欧元区南部国家的危机正向法国蔓延,便采取了对策:正当市场开始萎缩之际,沃尔沃在今年1月份降低了其雷诺卡车(renaulttrucks)子公司的产量。
- Another example was that volvo saw the troubles in the southern countries of the eurozone spreading to france last year and took action : it cut production at its renault trucks subsidiary in january just as the market started to sag .
- 显然,成功让人感觉良好,而失败则令人情绪萎靡。
- Clearly everyone feels good about winning , while emotions sag at failure .
- 那样的话他的自尊就不会下陷,而他也明白有时候犯点错也是没有关系的。
- That way his self-esteem won 't sag and he 'll understand that it 's okay to make mistakes sometimes .