- 高峰期前,用促进茎、叶生长和延长有效光合作用时间的方法,能在生长后期提高块茎的产量和秋水仙碱的含量。
- The yield of tuber and colchicine content could be increased by means of promoting the growth of stem and leaves and elongating the effective photosynthetic time before the peak appeared .
- 高峰期前,用促进茎、叶生长和延长有效光合作用时间的方法,能在生长后期提高块茎的产量和秋水仙碱的含量。
- The yield of tuber and colchicine content could be increased by means of promoting the growth of stem and leaves and elongating the effective photosynthetic time before the peak appeared .
- 苏格兰并入英国时,当地居民的日常口粮是一种来自南美的植物块茎,也就是我们今天所熟知的马铃薯。
- By the time they were absorbed into britain , their daily bread , so to speak , was a south american tuber now familiar as the domestic potato .
- 这年,我们用紫色块茎中的芋头,南瓜豆腐泡。
- This year , we used the purplish tuber in taro and pumpkin tofu puffs .
- 通过捣碎、油炸、清煮和烘烤,小小的马铃薯改变了这个世界,每个自由贸易的全球化者都应该赞美它。
- Mashed , fried , boiled and roast , a humble tuber changed the world , and free-trading globalisers everywhere should celebrate it .
- 在欧洲北部和伊拉克挖掘出来的尼安德特人牙齿化石的齿菌斑沉湎物中,研究人员发现了包括一种野草在内的多种植物的种子,以及根茎和块茎的痕迹。
- Researchers found grains from numerous plants , including a type of wild grass , as well as traces of roots and tubers , trapped in plaque buildup on fossilized neanderthal teeth unearthed in northern europe and iraq .
- 同谷类相比,块茎产量会更高。
- Compared with grains , tubers are inherently more productive .
- 与谷类相比,块茎天生高产。
- Compared with grains tubers are inherently more productive .