- 在当代这也可能发生,不过原因可能不同于亚特兰蒂斯时期,相反因为未来的自然灾祸越来越严重,人们因恐惧死亡而搬离城市,而不是暴力。
- This too may occur , however the cause may be different from atlantean times ; instead it may be that the plagues hit the cities harder in the times to come and humans will leave out of fear of death rather than violence .
- 比起害怕没有真确和充分活著,连对死亡的畏惧也是九牛一毛。
- Even the fear of death is nothing compared to the fear of not having lived authentically and fully .
- 有的患者害怕的是因“病”导致死亡的恐惧,比如狂犬病疑病症患者总是担心自己因狂犬病而死亡。
- Some patients fear is that because of " disease " led to the fear of death , such as rabies is always worried about hypochondriasis patients died due to rabies .