- 在modo中创建一个新场景。
- In modo create a new scene .
- 描写场景中所发生的故事情节。
- Describe action happening in the scene .
- 据报告兰扎本人死于枪击现场。
- Lanza was declared dead at the scene .
- 目击了这一奇异的景象。
- A curious spectacle was witnessed .
- 此间景象在其他地方也已多有所见。
- The spectacle has been repeated elsewhere .
- 因此,我们在巴基斯坦看到了蔚为壮观的场面:该国报纸纷纷登载诋毁印度人的假冒维基解密电报。
- So in pakistan , we have the spectacle of newspapers printing fake wikileaks cables that say nasty things about the indians .
- 他永远也看不厌这一景象。
- It was a sight he never tired of .
- 他被那可怕的景象吓呆了。
- Eg. he stood aghast at the terrible sight .
- 你写过一个人失去视力后的两种截然相反的结果。
- You 've written about two opposite responses to losing one 's sight .