- 刊登在12月刊的《地质和地震》(中文)的文章摘要指出“这种影响扮演了什么角色值得进一步研究”。
- " It is worthwhile to further study if the effect played a role " in triggering the quake , according to an abstract of the paper published in the december issue of the chinese journal geology and seismology .
- 如果你要研究云彩,黑雁,地震学,海洋浮冰,浮游动物以及测定任何污染物的量,北极和世界变化的所有指标,到新奥尔松去最合适。
- If you want to study clouds , barnacle geese , seismology , sea ice , zooplankton and any number of pollutants , all indicators of how the arctic and the world are changing , ny-alesund is the place .
- 但是现在把它称为金融地震学却再不为过。
- Now financial seismology is where it 's all at .
- 就算是石油出口国家的地震也不会长时间的切断供应。
- Even seismic shocks in oil-producing countries might not cut off supplies for very long .
- 最近,某公司用于地震监测的卡车一夜之间就消失无踪。
- Trucks being used by one company to conduct seismic surveillance recently disappeared overnight .
- 最近在英国一口探勘井附近发生的地震活动就与这种开采方式相关。
- Recent seismic activity near a test well in britain has been linked to it .