- 设置非比寻常的双向隧道。
- An unusual configuration of the 2-way tunnel .
- 而财政部大楼与白宫之间有一条地下隧道相连。
- The treasury building is connected to the white house by an underground tunnel .
- 这条铁路隧道一旦开通,其他可能将会应有尽有。
- When the tunnel opens , the possibilities will be endless .
- 他跑到地下通道,试图解救身体正在坦克车身上来回摇摆的科马尔,但子弹射中了他的头部,乌索夫也遭到同一辆坦克的碾压。
- He went to the underpass , where he tried to rescue the dangling mr. komar . He was shot in the head and crushed under the same tank .
- 过马路请走斑马线,天桥或地下通道。
- Take the zebra crossing , pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road .
- 我过去经常在清晨独自骑车穿过沃克苏尔桥,那个时刻真是糟透了,在那个地下通道里来来往往的白色面包车、卡车、乱窜的小汽车与我近在咫尺,大多数情况下他们可不管我的死活。
- I used to cycle across vauxhall bridge at an ungodly hour every morning , and near there is an underpass where white vans , lorries and frantic drivers pass by you either side , often without much regard for your personal safety .
- 但是麦当娜爱真正的男人。
- But madonna loves real men .
- 性别差异是真实存在的。
- The gender gap is real .
- 它们其中一些是真实的。
- Some of them are real .
- 请问这附近有地铁吗?
- Is there a subway nearby ?
- 在其他地方,部分地铁服务已经恢复。
- Elsewhere , partial subway service is back .
- 而地铁则要到2013年后才能通车。
- The subway won 't link to the area until 2013 .