- 天体物理学家理查德穆勒领导着一个研究小组,该小组自称为伯克利分校地球研究小组,该小组在几个方面值得观注。
- Marshalled by an astrophysicist , richard muller , this group , which calls itself the berkeley earth surface temperature , is notable in several ways .
- 地形因素地球表面的起伏,山岳,高原,平原,洼地,坡向,坡度等,这些都是影响作物生长和分布的因素.
- Topographic factors : the undulation , lofty mountains , plateau , plain , low-lying land , slope direction and gradient etc of the earth surface all are the factors affecting crop growth and distribution .
- 但是最近由berkeley地表温度(berkeleyearthsurfacetemperature)用一些现有数据以及研究方法得出的新研究报告却强有力地支持了这些气温数据。
- But a new study of current data and analysis by berkeley earth surface temperature offers strong support to the existing temperature compilations .
- 谦恭温顺者或许会继承大地。
- The meek may inherit the earth .
- 这片大地吞噬它自身的逝者。
- The earth devours its dead .
- 雷声轰鸣,震撼了大地。
- Thunder roared and shook the earth .