- 英国皇家空军正准备将其雷声第一近卫团的机载避让雷达(astor)机载地面监视系统在阿富汗进行第一次完全的应用飞行。
- The uk royal air force ( raf ) is in the process of preparing its raytheon sentinel r.1 airborne stand-off radar ( astor ) airborne ground surveillance system for its first fully operational tour of afghanistan .
- 但是使这个工作自动化的努力也一直在稳步发展。
- But efforts to automate the process are gaining ground .
- 当这些种子降落到地面的过程中,它们的翅膀会使得种子旋转并产生自转,与人造的直升机功能相仿。
- As these seeds fall to the ground , their wing causes them to swirl and spin in a process called autorotation , similar to man-made helicopters .