- 找到新的可圈的人。
- Find new people to circle .
- 这种良性循环不仅存在于科技领域。
- That virtuous circle extends beyond technology .
- 石圈是由38块形状和大小各异的石头组成的。
- 38 Stones of different shapes and sizes form this circle .
- 朱蒂.史密斯喜欢钥匙环。
- Judy smith likes the key ring .
- 钱会买到戒指,但不是婚姻。
- A ring but not a marriage .
- 我的主人巴萨尼奥也将戒指送人了。
- My lord bassanio gave his ring away .
- 下一回合也未必能表现得更好。
- The next round may not fare much better .
- 多哈回合贸易谈判已经搁置。
- The doha trade round has stalled .
- 有人怀疑这一回合的结果么?
- Was the outcome of this round ever in doubt ?