- 甚至在存钱罐上画上眼睛都能使人们更加乐于奉献。
- Even drawing eyes on the office coffee fund jar makes people more willing to contribute .
- 她的babbage/lovelace喜剧有意采用一种粗犷的绘画风格。
- Her babbage / lovelace comics use a rough drawing style intentionally .
- 一个孩童的首幅绘画通常出自他或她本人的手。
- The child 's first drawing is often of his or her own hand .
- 这是一份拯救世界的蓝图。
- It is a blueprint to save the world .
- 完整的计划蓝图要在明年春天才会公布。
- The full blueprint will not be released until next spring .
- 日子一天天过,新的财政蓝图一天天出台。
- Another day , another fiscal blueprint .