- 镀金纽扣上,镶着象征美国的鹰徽;与这种西装搭配的是白色的袜子、银色鞋扣和黄色手套。
- The suit had gilt buttons with an eagle insignia on them ; to round out his outfit , he would wear white hosiery , silver shoe buckles and yellow gloves .
- 身边放着阿帕切族的旗帜,徽章,以及部落大印,他说,这些都是和一位行医之人在很久以前一起设计的。
- He sits surrounded by apache flags , insignia and the tribal seal , which he says he co-designed with a medicine man long ago .
- 我在带卫生间的双人卧铺间里(铺位面积不到6平方英尺)放下行李,安顿好私人物品后,就去了三节休息车厢中的一节,坐在一张皮餐椅里,餐椅带有列车新艺术主义装饰风格的徽记。
- Having unpacked my bags and organised belongings in my two-berth cabin ( just under 6ft square ) with tiny ensuite bathroom , I proceed to one of the three lounge cars and settle in a leather dining chair bearing the train 's art nouveau-style insignia .