- 作为导演生涯中的第三部电影(前两部分别是《碟中谍3》和《星际争霸战》),j.j.艾布拉姆斯已经为自己制作并观看电影的童年创作的一首颂歌。
- With the third film of his directing career , j. j. abrams ( mission : impossible iii , star trek ) has created an ode to his childhood spent making and watching movies .
- 从“小熊维尼”到“爱丽丝梦游仙境”,从j.r.托尔金到j.k.罗林,英国作家和小说作者的作品已经满满地占据了西方国家书店里的儿童读物区,而他们也给好莱坞也提供了大量的创作素材。
- From " winnie the pooh " to " alice in wonderland " and from j. r. tolkien to j. k. rowling , british authors and storytellers have stuffed the children 's sections of the western world 's bookstores and provided hollywood with a stream of material .
- 从“小熊维尼”到“爱丽丝梦游仙境”,从j.r.托尔金到j.k.罗林,英国作家和小说作者的作品已经满满地占据了西方国家书店里的儿童读物区,而他们也给好莱坞也提供了大量的创作素材。
- From " winnie the pooh " to " alice in wonderland " and from j. r. tolkien to j. k. rowling , british authors and storytellers have stuffed the children 's sections of the western world 's bookstores and provided hollywood with a stream of material .