- 伊甸园中的埋怨延续至今。
- The blame-shifting in the garden continues today .
- 你能帮我给花园除草吗?
- Will you help me weed the garden ?
- 金永吉在玫瑰园仪式期间没有发表任何公开评论。
- Dr. kim made no public comments during the rose garden ceremony .
- 离上海更近的是苏州,因为有运河和古典中式园林而著称,乘火车到苏州只要30分钟。
- Closer to shanghai is suzhou , famous for its canals and classical chinese gardens , only 30 minutes away by train .
- 而附近的京都则以古雅的寺庙、园林和茶馆著称,其传统的日本风韵胜过大阪。
- And nearby kyoto , with its famously quaint temples , gardens and tea houses , beats it for classic japanese charm .
- 在干旱的高地上引水灌溉,种植阔叶园林;然而在肥沃的平原上,公园里铺着石头。
- Arid uplands are irrigated and planted with leafy gardens , whereas , on fertile plains , the parks are paved with stone .