- 尽管最近油价有所回落,但其它大宗商品的价格仍比2000年时的水平几乎高出一倍。
- In spite of the recent correction in oil prices , other commodities are at nearly twice their 2000 level .
- 一个读者读者曾经问我是否害怕商品价格的修正。
- A reader asked me if I feared the correction in commodity prices .
- 一些观察员认为美国的风险投资行业正在经历一场痛苦的纠正期并必定会回到往日的辉煌。
- To some observers , america 's venture industry is going through a nasty correction from which it will inevitably bounce back .
- 如果消费价格指数的上涨减缓,使政府能够不再收紧货币政策,那么经济增长速度应该会反弹,对库存周期的担忧就会减弱。
- If a moderating consumer price index allows the government to stop tightening monetary policy , growth should bounce back and concerns about the inventory cycle will recede .
- 如果投资者相信西班牙银行系统的所有坏账已经被揭露,而西班牙政府证明其有能力融资还债,那么对该国主权债务违约的恐惧应该就会逐渐减弱。
- If investors are convinced that all bad debts in spain 's banking system have been revealed and if spain 's government shows it can raise the cash to recapitalise weak lenders , then fears about the country 's solvency should recede .
- 以“要前进不要后退”为座右铭的他本人以及在他的鼓励下其他人对降低贸易门槛的必要性都有着充分的认识。
- Adopting the motto " advance , not recede " , he recognised the need to lower the barriers to trade and he encouraged others to do likewise .