- 炸蝎子的味道很像油腻的爆米花,余味中也带着油香。
- Both taste a lot like greasy popcorn with a buttery aftertaste .
- 这款新的啤酒味道醇厚且余韵悠长。
- The new brand of beer had a nice taste and long aftertaste .
- tove曾经抱怨余味有金属味道,torvalds也认为可能有问题。
- Tove had been complaining about a metallic aftertaste , and torvalds thought it may be a problem too .
- 油价在今年结束时会达到多少?
- Where will oil finish the year ?
- 需要两周时间才能完成。
- We need two weeks to finish .
- 但它真的会以这种方式来结束吗?
- But did it really finish that way ?