- 关于这次反弹的解释有多种多样。
- Explanations for the rebound vary .
- 这种反弹也许带有些微的泡沫。
- This rebound may come with little fizz .
- 亚洲的反弹有许多原因。
- Asia 's rebound has several causes .
- 然而,即便出现好转,其基数也相对较低。
- However , any upturn would be from a relatively low base .
- 这与先前的战后经济周期不同,一次全球性的金融危机后会出现好转。
- Unlike previous post-war cycles , any upturn will follow a global financial crisis .
- 但是此次形势并没有明显好转,意味着这种不公平的补偿措施不会来临。
- But the lack of a sharp upturn means such partial recompense has not been forthcoming this time round .