- 运营商可以通过四种方式作出反应。
- Operators can respond in four ways .
- 在这四条路中,不如他明智的人一定会犹豫不决。
- Between these four ways , a less sagacious man would have remained undecided .
- 洪宣娇的四种出身故事形态代表了虚构叙事处理“历史女人”出身的四种方式:丑化、美化、人化和奇化。
- The four origins of hong xuanjiao represent the four ways to deal with the " history woman " in historical fictional narrative : defaming , beautifying , humanizing and legendizing .
- 用上面的着色器绘制一个四边形覆盖整个屏幕。
- Draw a quad over the whole screen with the above shader .
- 而一款类似的2160p标准的四驱动高清电视的分辨率为73像素每英寸。
- A 2160p quad hd television of similar size has a resolution of 73 ppi .
- 考虑2008空铅城市高级奥林匹克很快来的信息。
- Information regarding the 2008 quad cities senior olympics to come soon .