- 床垫和靠垫都是在巴黎的布伦绿地(boisdeboulogne)的一个街角发现的,放在一个包里上面写着“请拿走”。为什么要拒绝呢?
- We found the bolster and cushion on a street corner in the bois du boulogne in paris , in a bag with one other accompanied by a note saying , " please take these . " Who could resist ?
- 六实惠惠设置在一个袋子:高校学生的救星。
- Six affordable comforter set in a bag : a lifesaver for college students .
- 相比放在包中,你会更容易地听到/感受到在口袋里的手机声响/振动。
- You 're more lightly to hear / feel the vibrate alert if your phone is in your pocket compared to in a bag .