- 此类欲望是否能得到满足,我们暂且撇开不谈。
- Whether or not those desires can be satisfied is set aside .
- 当大不列颠颐指气使的主人们不彻底剥夺我们美国人的自由就不愿罢休的时候,行动起来保卫自由成为当务之急。
- At a time when our lordly masters in great britain will be satisfied with nothing less than the deprivation of american freedom , it seems highly necessary that something should be done to maintain liberty .
- 使你们在他安慰的怀中吃奶得饱使他们得他丰盛的荣耀、犹如挤奶、满心喜乐。
- That ye may suck , and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations ; that ye may milk out , and be delighted with the abundance of her glory .