- 这个设备给保证电缆在适当的压力下。
- The appliance keeps the cable under pressure .
- 奥巴马总统还使严格设备标准成为优先考虑的事情。
- President obama has also made stricter appliance standards a priority .
- 而个人计算机也许是最能永久浪费时间的设备。
- And the personal computer may be the ultimate time-wasting appliance .
- 咖啡匙是一具是双方共同的宝贵。
- The coffee spoon is a utensil that is both common and precious .
- 这真是津津有味宴皿有助于他或她的食物.
- This utensil helps the dinner to really relish his or her food .
- 主要食具的演化及影响因素探讨。
- The study of evolution and the impact in main utensil .
- 那我们怎么来执行呢?
- How do we implement this ?
- 因为他们是最终需要交付执行的。
- Because they are final deliverables to implement .
- 基于inparam实现可执行的方法。
- Implement the execute method based on inparam .