- 临汾的当地居民说,到了晚上,煤尘让他们几乎窒息。
- At linfen , residents have said they literally choke on coal dust in the evenings .
- 如果任其不受约束,它们的规模和速度可被用来窒息竞争。
- Their size and speed can , if left unchecked , be used to choke off competition .
- 但是,这笔交易表明,毒性一度使全球经济窒息的美国房地产业再度对投资者变得有吸引力起来。
- But the sale shows that american housing , once so toxic it made the global economy choke , is once again attractive to investors .
- ie的定制google插件所提供的大多数功能都十分有用。
- Most of what customize google for ie offers is pretty helpful .
- 兼容性是围绕着ie8的最热门的一个话题。
- Compatibility is one of the most heated topics surrounding ie 8 .
- 主页资讯是将网页内容直接整合到ie8浏览器的一种简单方法。
- Web slices are a simple way for websites to integrate content directly into the ie 8 browser .
- 我盯着看他的身份牌。
- I stare at his id badge .
- 身份识别系统已经在其他地方证明了自己的价值。
- Id systems have proved their worth elsewhere .
- 那奇从不带着身份证照料公牛。
- Nachee never carried id working bulls .