- 我特此责成这些被宣布获得自由的人,不得有任何暴力行为。
- And I hereby enjoin upon people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence .
- 在“田纳西流域管理局诉希尔”一案中,法令的目的是不惜一切代价保护濒临灭绝的物种,实现意图的唯一方法就是禁止修建水坝。
- In tva v. hill , the statutory purpose was to protect endangered species at virtually all cost ; the only way to effectuate that intent was to enjoin the dam .
- 1977年,石油工业贸易协会提起诉讼,起诉以《国家海洋和空间管理法》为依据的加利福尼亚管理计划。
- In 1977 , oil industry trade associations sued to enjoin noaa 's approval of the california management program .
- 它们将提供打造品牌方面的建议。
- They would advise on brand building .
- 我会建议其他退休者也去深造吗?
- And would I advise other retirees to do the same ?
- 你:那你想给我的建议是?
- You : and which would you advise ?
- 储蓄的冲动可能会有所降低。
- The urge to save may be lessening .
- 但是我的实践机会抑制了我的冲动。
- But my practice countered that urge .
- 那是不是意味着你永远不会跟着冲动走了?
- Does that mean you never follow an urge ?