- 他对人们幸福的探索是典型托尔斯泰信徒式的。
- His search for felicity for man on earth was typically tolstoyan .
- 所以收入水平和幸福的关系,如果有的话,也是负相关的。
- So levels of income are , if anything , inversely related to felicity .
- 在其他地区,极右翼民族行动党(mhp)以及公开的伊斯兰党派幸福党表现甚佳。
- Elsewhere , the far-right nationalist action party ( mhp ) and the overtly islamist felicity party did well .
- 他祝愿所有欢庆农历新年的人平安幸福,事业兴旺,身体健康。
- He wished all who celebrate the new year peace , prosperity , and good health .
- 驱动繁荣的机器逐渐减速。
- The prosperity machine winds down .
- 我们的繁荣时代已经结束。
- Our era of prosperity was over .
- 对于奥斯本自己,预算案成为了一种复杂的祝福。
- For mr osborne himself , the budget has been a mixed blessing .
- 并不是每个人都视这么多钱为幸事。
- Not everyone sees it as a blessing to have this kind of money .
- 任何能平息他信的妥协都应当得到尊敬的皇帝陛下的祝福。
- Any compromise that pacifies mr thaksin needs the blessing of the revered monarch .