- 气味与我们的心理有什么关系吗?
- How is psychology connected to smell ?
- 强烈的嗅觉帮助定位腐尸或活着的猎物。
- A strong sense of smell helps locate carrion or live prey .
- 面部畸形使这个病人无法正常说话,也没有正常的嗅觉和味觉。
- The deformities left her unable to speak , smell and taste properly .
- 这不仅是首次提出细菌能够识别气味,同时这项结果表明在进化史上最早期的一种嗅觉形式。
- Not only is this the first evidence for a sense of smell in bacteria , the results also might represent one of the earliest forms of olfaction in evolutionary history .
- 因为多个基因共同作用来感知大部分气味,了解控制嗅觉的基因和一群人中变异散播的方式是为了深入研究多基因疾病的机制,如冠心病和糖尿病。
- Because several genes contribute to the detection of most odors , understanding the genetics of olfaction and the way mutations spread in a population is yielding insights into the mechanisms of poly genic diseases such as coronary heart disease and diabetes .
- 而且他的理论还声称为人类所有的神秘特征提供了一种解释:两足动物,无毛发,脂肪层,喉结遗传,嗅觉丧失等等。
- But his theory claims to offer one explanation for a whole range of enigmatic human features : bipedality , hairlesslessness , fat layer , descended larynx , loss of olfaction , and so on .
- 现在她考虑在自己鼻子上动刀了。
- Now she is considering a nose job .
- 你又怎么知道自己的鼻子在哪儿呢?
- How did you know where your nose was ?
- 一个人跪在旁边捏住贝蒂的鼻子。
- Someone kneels close to pinch betty 's nose .
- 研究表明薰衣草香味会提高人的警惕性。
- Research has shown that the lavender scent increases alertness .
- 然后加入两滴香草精,这样可以增添一点自然清新的香味。
- Add a couple drops of vanilla extract for a light and natural scent .
- 香奈尔5号是永恒的,它持久的香味不断地给人们带来激动和惊喜。
- Chanel no.5 is timeless and will shock and amaze people with its lasting scent .