- 有更多发动机配备了涡轮增压器(将压缩空气推进发动机),并采用了缸内直喷技术(将加压燃料喷入油缸)。
- More engines were equipped with turbochargers , devices that force compressed air into an engine ; and direct gas injection , a means of squirting pressurized fuel into a cylinder .
- 这是对甘地最残酷的打击。
- It was the cruellest blow to gandhi .
- 正在此时,神风还在继续地吹着。
- Meanwhile , the kamikaze continues to blow .
- 我往往得先把书上的灰尘吹走。
- Usually I 'd have to blow the dust off the books .
- 嗡嗡作响的东西突然从我的裤子口袋里。
- Suddenly something buzzed from my pant pocket .
- 她给了他与她的眼睛回答解开自己的腰带和裤子拉链,他去了。
- She gave him an answer with her eyes and unbuckled his belt and went for his pant zipper .
- 任何人从恶梦中惊醒时会突然坐起来喘气。
- Any person waking from a nightmare will sit upright and pant hard .
- 平地更容易受到核爆炸的影响。
- Flat areas are more susceptible to blast effects .
- 任何一次核爆炸都会产生放射性尘降物。
- Any nuclear blast results in some fallout .
- 但是政府对爆炸案的态度是克制的。
- Yet the government 's response to the blast was restrained .