- 喘鸣,无名动脉,螺旋式电脑断层摄影及立体影像重组。
- Stridor , innominate artery , spiral ct and 3d reconstruction .
- 对两组病人的喉鸣,气促的持续时间及血气分析进行比较.
- The duration of laryngeal stridor , short of breath and blood gas were compared between two groups .
- 再一次的,新一轮的喘息带动了市场的回暖。
- Yet again , a new wheeze sparked a market rally .
- 经典症状为呼气时发出喘息声或鸣哨音(猫喘音样的)
- A wheeze or whistling ( purring ) sound on breathing out is the classic symptom
- 然而不久前,这些短跑运动员开始频频喘气了。
- Lately , though , the sprinters have started to wheeze .
- 现在他们正在寻找妙招,以便把对欧洲的反感变成实实在在的胜利。
- Now , the search is on for wheezes that might transform dislike of europe into concrete victories .
- 这一切都是喘着气很慢地说出来的。
- All this was said very slowly , between wheezes .
- 只有他那精明的政治计谋被人忘却很久以后,人们才好以财政大臣的身份对他进行评价。
- Long after his finest political wheezes are forgotten , it is as a chancellor that he will be judged .