- 我必须更加努力学习和工作,来积累足够的知识,提高自己的能力,尽全力把apsn网站做得越来越好。
- I will need to study much harder and work much harder to cumulate enough knowledge and improve myself much more so that I could make every effort to make the apsn better and better .
- 对粗玄岩更深入细致的研究将有利于发现更大的储量和更高质的粗玄岩。
- More detailed study may bring out better deposits of dolerite dykes to yield bigger blocks with better quality .
- 卡西尼环绕土星的任务目前已延长至2017年,以在其春秋分到冬夏至的季节变化时更好地研究这个复杂的行星系统。
- The cassini mission around saturn has now been extended to 2017 to better study the complex planetary system as its season changes from equinox to solstice .