- 12年前一份报告揭示了被偷走一代的悲惨境地,机构性虐待的其他受害人也愤而要求赔偿。
- After a report 12 years ago cast light on the plight of the stolen generations , other victims of institutional mistreatment agitated for redress as well .
- 但那些为自己失去的心爱宠物向法院索取赔偿的人们将会认识到,在法律上人与动物仍有不同。
- But pet owners turning to the courts for redress over the loss of a loved one will notice that people and animals are still different in law .
- 开发商通过强迫客户提前支付来为工程融资,如果工程烂尾的话,客户也没有补偿。
- Developers finance construction by forcing customers to pay upfront , often without redress if the project stalls .
- 很多清理用品都可以从五金店买到。
- Many clean up supplies are available from hardware stores .
- 日本专家说,要彻底清除福岛第一核电站的污染将至少花费30年的时间。
- Experts in japan have warned it could take more than 30 years to clean up the fukushima daiichi power plant .
- 不让它们弄脏之后再清洗。
- No mess to clean up later .